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RuntimeServiceGetActivityInstanceAssignableUserList Method

Get the list of users who can be assigned to an activity instance

Namespace:  Advantys.Workflow.Web.Services.Processes.Runtime
Assembly:  Advantys.Workflow.Web.Services.Processes.Runtime (in Advantys.Workflow.Web.Services.Processes.Runtime.dll) Version: (
public XmlNode GetActivityInstanceAssignableUserList(
	int processInstanceId,
	int activityInstanceId,
	bool isSuperUserMode


Type: SystemInt32
Request ID of the action to assign.
Type: SystemInt32
ID of the action to assign.
Type: SystemBoolean
Indicates to run in super user mode.

Return Value

Type: XmlNode
The list of users who can be assigned
Available since WorkflowGen version: 5.6.4

Only actions, where the connected user belongs to the action's participant, can retrieve the list of users for assignment when isSuperUserMode is false.

Optional Parameters.

These parameters can be used in the query string or as parameters of the SOAP headers (see examples for more information).

delegateUsername (string)Specifies the delegate username for delegation mode.
impersonateUsername (string)Username to use for impersonation. Operation is available for allowed users only.

See Also