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RuntimeServiceCreateGlobalList Method

Creates a global list. Intended for web use only.

Namespace:  Advantys.Workflow.Web.Services.Processes.Runtime
Assembly:  Advantys.Workflow.Web.Services.Processes.Runtime (in Advantys.Workflow.Web.Services.Processes.Runtime.dll) Version: (
public int CreateGlobalList(
	string listDefinition


Type: SystemString
Definition of the list as an XML string. Element names are case sensitive.

Return Value

Type: Int32
The created list ID
Available since WorkflowGen version: 6.2.0

Optional Parameters.

These parameters can be used in the query string or as parameters of the Headers object in the RuntimeService class instance. See example below.

ReplaceIfExists (bool)Sets whether or not to replace a global list with the same name.
Sample global list definition with items:
   <Databind DatabindConnectionMode="none">
      <Header Name="col1" Type="TEXT">Col1</Header>
     <Header Name="col2" Type="TEXT">Col2</Header>
       <Column Name="col1">
         <Value Lang="default">value1-1</Value>
       <Column Name="col2">
         <Value Lang="default">value2-1</Value>
       <Column Name="col1">
         <Value Lang="default">value1-2</Value>
       <Column Name="col2">
         <Value Lang="default">value2-2</Value>
Sample global list definition with databind:
   <Databind DatabindConnectionMode="select">
     <DatabindSelectCommand>select top 10 * from users</DatabindSelectCommand>
Sample code:
RuntimeServiceWebService.RuntimeService myRuntimeService = new RuntimeServiceWebService.RuntimeService();
RuntimeServiceWebService.GlobalListHeader myGlobalListHeader= new RuntimeServiceWebService.GlobalListHeader();
myRuntimeService.GlobalListHeaderValue = myGlobalListHeader;

myGlobalListHeader.ReplaceIfExists = replaceIfExists;

string createdGlobalListId = myRuntimeService.CreateGlobalList(listDefinition);

See Also