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RuntimeService Class

Web service for the management of processes and activities at runtime
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Advantys.Workflow.Web.Services.Processes.Runtime
Assembly:  Advantys.Workflow.Web.Services.Processes.Runtime (in Advantys.Workflow.Web.Services.Processes.Runtime.dll) Version: (
public class RuntimeService : WebService

The RuntimeService type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddAssociationsToParticipant
Adds associations to a participant. Intended for web use only.
Public methodCode exampleAddDelegation
Creates a new delegation for the current user.
Public methodAddGroupsToUser
Adds groups to a user. Intended for web use only.
Public methodAddUsersToGroup
Adds users to a group. Intended for web use only.
Public methodAssignActivityInstance
Assign an activity instance
Public methodCanAssignActivityInstance
Verify if the user can assign an activity instance
Public methodCanAssignUserToActivityInstance
Verify if the user can assign an activity instance to another user
Public methodCanCancelActivityInstanceAssignment
Verify if the user can cancel the assignment of an activity instance
Public methodCanCancelProcessInstance
Verify if the user can cancel a process instance
Public methodCancelActivityInstanceAssignment
Cancel the activity instance assignment
Public methodCancelProcessInstance
Cancel a process instance
Public methodCode exampleCompleteActivityInstance
Complete an action.
Public methodCode exampleCompleteActivityInstanceFromThreadIndex
Complete an action from its Thread-Index MIME header.
Public methodCompleteWebFormActivityInstance
Complete an open action and its paired form archive and form data.
Public methodCreateGlobalList
Creates a global list. Intended for web use only.
Public methodCreateGroup
Creates a group. Intended for web use only.
Public methodCreateParticipant
Creates a participant. Intended for web use only.
Public methodCreateProcess
Creates a process into WorkflowGen. Can create a new version of the process if it already exists. Intended for web use only.
Public methodCreateUser
Creates a user. Intended for web use only.
Public methodCreateWorkflowApplication
Creates a workflow application. Intended for web use only.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteDelegation
Deletes a delegation which belong to the current user.
Public methodDeleteGroup
Deletes a group. Intended for web use only.
Public methodDeleteParticipant
Deletes a participant.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteProcessInstanceComment
Delete an existing request comment.
Public methodDeleteUser
Deletes a user. Intended for web use only.
Public methodGetActivityInstanceAssignableUserList
Get the list of users who can be assigned to an activity instance
Public methodCode exampleGetActivityInstanceContext
Get the context of an action.
Public methodCode exampleGetActivityInstanceContextFromThreadIndex
Get the context of an action from its Thread-Index MIME header.
Public methodCode exampleGetActivityInstanceList
Gets a list of actions.
Public methodCode exampleGetActivityInstanceListCount
Gets the number of actions.
Public methodCode exampleGetCommentList
Gets a list of comments.
Public methodCode exampleGetCommentListCount
Gets the number of comments.
Public methodCode exampleGetDelegateUserList
Gets the list of available delegatee users.
Public methodCode exampleGetDelegateUserListCount
Gets the number of available delegatee users.
Public methodCode exampleGetDelegationList
Gets the list of delegations of the current user.
Public methodCode exampleGetDelegationListCount
Gets the number of delegations.
Public methodGetGlobalList
Gets a global list definition. Intended for web use only.
Public methodGetGroup
Returns a group definition. Intended for web use only.
Public methodCode exampleGetLaunchableProcessList
Gets a list of launchable processes.
Public methodCode exampleGetLaunchableProcessListCount
Returns the number of launchable processes.
Public methodGetParticipant
Returns a participant definition. Intended for web use only.
Public methodCode exampleGetPortlet
Gets the Portlet RSS.
Public methodGetProcess
Gets a process definition. Intended for web use only.
Public methodCode exampleGetProcessInstanceCommentList
Gets a list of request comments.
Public methodCode exampleGetProcessInstanceCommentListCount
Gets the number of request comments.
Public methodGetProcessInstanceContext
Get process instance context
Public methodGetProcessInstanceFormData
Get process instance form data
Public methodCode exampleGetProcessInstanceList
Gets a list of requests.
Public methodCode exampleGetProcessInstanceListCount
Gets the number of requests.
Public methodGetUser
Returns a user definition. Intended for web use only.
Public methodCode exampleGetViewList
Gets the list of views of the current user.
Public methodCode exampleGetViewListCount
Gets the number of views of the current user.
Public methodGetWorkflowApplication
Gets a workflow application. Intended for web use only.
Public methodCode exampleNotifyDelegateUser
Notifies the delegate user.
Public methodCode examplePostProcessInstanceComment
Post a new request comment.
Public methodRaiseCancelExceptionOnActivityInstance
Raise cancel exception on an activity instance using its identifier
Public methodRaiseCancelExceptionOnActivityInstanceByName
Raise cancel exception(s) on activity instance(s) using activity name
Public methodRaiseExceptionOnActivityInstance
Raise exception on an activity instance using it identifier Exception name and message can be defined
Public methodRaiseExceptionOnActivityInstanceByName
Raise exception(s) on activity instance(s) using activity name Exception name and message can be defined
Public methodRemoveAssociationsFromParticipant
Removes associations from a participant. Intended for web use only.
Public methodRemoveGroupsFromUser
Removes groups from a user. Intended for web use only.
Public methodRemoveUsersFromGroup
Removes users from a group. Intended for web use only.
Public methodReplaceProcessVersion
Replaces a version of a process into WorkflowGen. Intended for web use only.
Public methodStartProcess
Launch a new request of a WorkflowGen process
Public methodCode exampleUpdateDelegation
Updates a delegation for the current user.
Public methodUpdateGroup
Updates a group. Intended for web use only.
Public methodUpdateParticipant
Updates a participant. Intended for web use only. A participant's scope or process reference cannot be updated.
Public methodCode exampleUpdateProcessInstanceComment
Update an existing request comment.
Public methodUpdateProcessInstanceData
Update process instance associated data
Public methodUpdateUser
Updates a user. Intended for web use only.
See Also