RuntimeService.RemoveAssociationsFromParticipant Method |
Namespace: Advantys.Workflow.Web.Services.Processes.Runtime
public void RemoveAssociationsFromParticipant( string participantName, string associationsDefinition )
Optional Parameters.
These parameters can be used in the query string or as parameters of the Headers object in the RuntimeService class instance. See example below.
ParticipantId (int) | Specifies the Id of the participant to remove associations from. Supersedes the participant name. |
ProcessId (int) | Specifies the Id of the process the participant is linked to. Supersedes a combination of process name and process version. |
ProcessName (string) | Specifies the name of the process the participant is linked. |
ProcessVersion (int) | Specifies the version of the process the participant is linked. |
IgnoreMissingAssociations (bool) | Sets whether or not to return an error when an association (user, group, directory) is missing from the target. Default = true. |
<Associations> <Users> <User> <Username>wfgen_admin</Username> </User> </Users> <Groups /> <Directories /> <Coordinators /> </Associations>
RuntimeServiceWebService.RuntimeService myRuntimeService = new RuntimeServiceWebService.RuntimeService(); RuntimeServiceWebService.ParticipantHeader myParticipantHeader = new RuntimeServiceWebService.ParticipantHeader(); myRuntimeService.ParticipantHeaderValue = myParticipantHeader; myParticipantHeader.ParticipantId = participantId; myParticipantHeader.ProcessId = processId; myParticipantHeader.IgnoreMissingAssociations = false; myRuntimeService.RemoveAssociationsFromParticipant(participantName, associationDefinition);