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HtmlDocument Properties

The HtmlDocument type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCheckSum
Gets the document CRC32 checksum if OptionComputeChecksum was set to true before parsing, 0 otherwise.
Public propertyDeclaredEncoding
Gets the document's declared encoding. Declared encoding is determined using the meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=XXXXX" html node.
Public propertyDocumentNode
Gets the root node of the document.
Public propertyEncoding
Gets the document's output encoding.
Public propertyParseErrors
Gets a list of parse errors found in the document.
Public propertyRemainder
Gets the remaining text. Will always be null if OptionStopperNodeName is null.
Public propertyRemainderOffset
Gets the offset of Remainder in the original Html text. If OptionStopperNodeName is null, this will return the length of the original Html text.
Public propertyStreamEncoding
Gets the document's stream encoding.
See Also