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WorkflowPage Properties

The WorkflowPage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBindCaptionsToFormData
Determine if the field captions are saved to the Form Data dataset
Public propertyCaptionsCssClasses
List of controls Css class names to be excluded in the form data (separated by a coma (,))
Public propertyColorizeRequiredColumnsInGridViewHeader
Are the GridView headers colorized depending on the fields requirements ? (Simple mode only)
Public propertyCurrentSignatureId
The current signature id that will be used to sign the data
Public propertyCurrentTimeZone
The current user time zone
Public propertyCurrentTimeZoneInfo
The current user time zone info in XML
Public propertyCurrentWorkflowActionName
The current action name
Public propertyFieldsColorization
The fields colorization type
Protected propertyFieldsHelper
The Fields helper used for the required, read-only, hidden fields.
Public propertyFormArchive
The Form Archive
Public propertyFormArchiveCssPath
File name of the css file for archive content
Public propertyFormArchiveFileName
File name of the archived form
Public propertyFormData
The simple mode dataset
Public propertyHandleSubmitButton
Determines if we automatically add the Submit Button event handler (only in Simple Mode)
Public propertyHtmlEncodeText
Determines if we encode html in label's Text property
Public propertyInvalidCurrencyErrorMessage
The invalid currency error message
Public propertyInvalidCurrencyGridViewsErrorMessage
The invalid currency for grid views error message
Public propertyInvalidDateErrorMessage
The invalid date error message for the number formats.
Public propertyInvalidDateGridViewErrorMessage
The invalid date error message for the gridviews number formats.
Public propertyInvalidNumberErrorMessage
The invalid number error message
Public propertyInvalidNumberGridViewErrorMessage
The invalid number error message for the gridviews number formats.
Public propertyInvalidTimeErrorMessage
The invalid time error message for the time formats.
Public propertyIsOidcAuthSessionRefreshEnabled
Determines if we enable the OIDC auth session refresh management (enabled by default)
Public propertyIsSessionLess
Determines if the workflowPage is using the Session or not for storing internal settings. Performances are better if WorkflowPage uses Session.
Public propertyIsSimpleMode
Determines if the workflowPage is being used in Simple or advanced mode.
Public propertyIsStandAloneMode Obsolete.
Was the web form instantiated by WorkflowGen or directly ?
Public propertyIsXmlSigningEnabled
Is the automatic XML signing enabled ?
Public propertyLangId
The current language of the workflowGen user
Public propertyParamsXPath
The xpath expression used to retreive the action parameters
Public propertyReadOnlyFieldsBorderColor
The read-only controls border color
Public propertyRemoveValidatorsInFormArchive
Determines if all the validators will be hidden automatically in the Form Archive
Public propertyRemoveViewStateInFormArchive
Determines if the View State will be hidden automatically in the Form Archive
Public propertyRemoveWebResourcesInFormArchive
Determines if all the WebResource.axd will be hidden automatically in the Form Archive
Public propertyRequiredColumnsInGridViewsErrorMessage
The required error message for required columns in GridViews
Public propertyRequiredFieldsBorderColor
The required controls border color
Public propertyRequiredFieldsErrorMessage
The required error message for required fields
Public propertyRequiredGridViewsErrorMessage
The required error message for required GridViews
Public propertySaveFormDataWithSchema
Determines if the workflowPage is saving the FormData with its schema
Public propertyStoragePath
The eFormASPX storage path
Public propertyUseClientSideOptimization
Determines if the workflowPage is using client side javascript optimizations or not
Public propertyValidateRequiredFields
Determines if required fields will be validated when submitting the form
Public propertyXmlSignatures
A collection of XmlElement which are the signatures of the previous actions. The first key is the signature Id and the second key is the index of the action.
See Also