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HtmlDocument Fields

The HtmlDocument type exposes the following members.

Public fieldOptionAddDebuggingAttributes
Adds Debugging attributes to node. Default is false.
Public fieldOptionAutoCloseOnEnd
Defines if closing for non closed nodes must be done at the end or directly in the document. Setting this to true can actually change how browsers render the page. Default is false.
Public fieldOptionCheckSyntax
Defines if non closed nodes will be checked at the end of parsing. Default is true.
Public fieldOptionComputeChecksum
Defines if a checksum must be computed for the document while parsing. Default is false.
Public fieldOptionDefaultStreamEncoding
Defines the default stream encoding to use. Default is System.Text.Encoding.Default.
Public fieldOptionExtractErrorSourceText
Defines if source text must be extracted while parsing errors. If the document has a lot of errors, or cascading errors, parsing performance can be dramatically affected if set to true. Default is false.
Public fieldOptionExtractErrorSourceTextMaxLength
Defines the maximum length of source text or parse errors. Default is 100.
Public fieldOptionFixNestedTags
Defines if LI, TR, TH, TD tags must be partially fixed when nesting errors are detected. Default is false.
Public fieldOptionOutputAsXml
Defines if output must conform to XML, instead of HTML.
Public fieldOptionOutputOptimizeAttributeValues
Defines if attribute value output must be optimized (not bound with double quotes if it is possible). Default is false.
Public fieldOptionOutputOriginalCase
Defines if name must be output with it's original case. Useful for tags and attributes
Public fieldOptionOutputUpperCase
Defines if name must be output in uppercase. Default is false.
Public fieldOptionReadEncoding
Defines if declared encoding must be read from the document. Declared encoding is determined using the meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=XXXXX" html node. Default is true.
Public fieldOptionStopperNodeName
Defines the name of a node that will throw the StopperNodeException when found as an end node. Default is null.
Public fieldOptionUseIdAttribute
Defines if the 'id' attribute must be specifically used. Default is true.
Public fieldOptionWriteEmptyNodes
Defines if empty nodes must be written as closed during output. Default is false.
See Also