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HtmlNodeNavigator Class

Represents an HTML navigator on an HTML document seen as a data store.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  WorkflowGen.My.HtmlAgilityPack
Assembly:  WorkflowGen.My (in WorkflowGen.My.dll) Version: (
public class HtmlNodeNavigator : XPathNavigator

The HtmlNodeNavigator type exposes the following members.

Public methodHtmlNodeNavigator(Stream)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlNavigator and loads an HTML document from a stream.
Public methodHtmlNodeNavigator(TextReader)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlNavigator and loads an HTML document from a TextReader.
Public methodHtmlNodeNavigator(String)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlNavigator and loads an HTML document from a file.
Public methodHtmlNodeNavigator(Stream, Boolean)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlNavigator and loads an HTML document from a stream.
Public methodHtmlNodeNavigator(Stream, Encoding)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlNavigator and loads an HTML document from a stream.
Public methodHtmlNodeNavigator(String, Boolean)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlNavigator and loads an HTML document from a file.
Public methodHtmlNodeNavigator(String, Encoding)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlNavigator and loads an HTML document from a file.
Public methodHtmlNodeNavigator(Stream, Encoding, Boolean)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlNavigator and loads an HTML document from a stream.
Public methodHtmlNodeNavigator(String, Encoding, Boolean)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlNavigator and loads an HTML document from a file.
Public methodHtmlNodeNavigator(Stream, Encoding, Boolean, Int32)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlNavigator and loads an HTML document from a stream.
Public methodHtmlNodeNavigator(String, Encoding, Boolean, Int32)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlNavigator and loads an HTML document from a file.
Public propertyBaseURI
Gets the base URI for the current node. Always returns string.Empty in the case of HtmlNavigator implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorBaseURI.)
Public propertyCurrentDocument
Gets the current HTML document.
Public propertyCurrentNode
Gets the current HTML node.
Public propertyHasAttributes
Gets a value indicating whether the current node has child nodes.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorHasAttributes.)
Public propertyHasChildren
Gets a value indicating whether the current node has child nodes.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorHasChildren.)
Public propertyIsEmptyElement
Gets a value indicating whether the current node is an empty element.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorIsEmptyElement.)
Public propertyLocalName
Gets the name of the current HTML node without the namespace prefix.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorLocalName.)
Public propertyName
Gets the qualified name of the current node.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorName.)
Public propertyNamespaceURI
Gets the namespace URI (as defined in the W3C Namespace Specification) of the current node. Always returns string.Empty in the case of HtmlNavigator implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorNamespaceURI.)
Public propertyNameTable
Gets the XmlNameTable associated with this implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorNameTable.)
Public propertyNodeType
Gets the type of the current node.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorNodeType.)
Public propertyPrefix
Gets the prefix associated with the current node. Always returns string.Empty in the case of HtmlNavigator implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorPrefix.)
Public propertyValue
Gets the text value of the current node.
(Overrides XPathItemValue.)
Public propertyXmlLang
Gets the xml:lang scope for the current node. Always returns string.Empty in the case of HtmlNavigator implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorXmlLang.)
Public methodClone
Creates a new HtmlNavigator positioned at the same node as this HtmlNavigator.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorClone.)
Public methodGetAttribute
Gets the value of the HTML attribute with the specified LocalName and NamespaceURI.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorGetAttribute(String, String).)
Public methodGetNamespace
Returns the value of the namespace node corresponding to the specified local name. Always returns string.Empty for the HtmlNavigator implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorGetNamespace(String).)
Public methodIsSamePosition
Determines whether the current HtmlNavigator is at the same position as the specified HtmlNavigator.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorIsSamePosition(XPathNavigator).)
Public methodMoveTo
Moves to the same position as the specified HtmlNavigator.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveTo(XPathNavigator).)
Public methodMoveToAttribute
Moves to the HTML attribute with matching LocalName and NamespaceURI.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveToAttribute(String, String).)
Public methodMoveToFirst
Moves to the first sibling of the current node.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveToFirst.)
Public methodMoveToFirstAttribute
Moves to the first HTML attribute.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveToFirstAttribute.)
Public methodMoveToFirstChild
Moves to the first child of the current node.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveToFirstChild.)
Public methodMoveToFirstNamespace
Moves the XPathNavigator to the first namespace node of the current element. Always returns false for the HtmlNavigator implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveToFirstNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope).)
Public methodMoveToId
Moves to the node that has an attribute of type ID whose value matches the specified string.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveToId(String).)
Public methodMoveToNamespace
Moves the XPathNavigator to the namespace node with the specified local name. Always returns false for the HtmlNavigator implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveToNamespace(String).)
Public methodMoveToNext
Moves to the next sibling of the current node.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveToNext.)
Public methodMoveToNextAttribute
Moves to the next HTML attribute.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveToNextAttribute.)
Public methodMoveToNextNamespace
Moves the XPathNavigator to the next namespace node. Always returns falsefor the HtmlNavigator implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveToNextNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope).)
Public methodMoveToParent
Moves to the parent of the current node.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveToParent.)
Public methodMoveToPrevious
Moves to the previous sibling of the current node.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveToPrevious.)
Public methodMoveToRoot
Moves to the root node to which the current node belongs.
(Overrides XPathNavigatorMoveToRoot.)
See Also