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WorkflowPage Methods

The WorkflowPage type exposes the following members.

Protected methodBindFormDataToFields
Bind the form data to the right field properties.
Protected methodChangeFormArchiveLayout
Changes the layout for the archive form
Protected methodChangeFormLayout
Makes fields Read-only, required or hidden depending on Workflow parameters
Public methodCurrentUserAccessToken
Retrieve the current user's access token
Protected methodFillFormData(DataSet)
Fills a dataset with the information of the dataOUT.xml file
Protected methodFillFormData(XmlDocument)
Fills a XmlDocument with the information of the dataOUT.xml file
Public methodStatic memberFormatAccordingToFieldDataType
Returns the inputValue in the format specified according to it's datatype and the user culture
Protected methodGetFormArchive
Gets the form archive html in a string
Protected methodInitializeCulture
Method used to initialize the culture with the WorkflowGen currently connected user
(Overrides PageInitializeCulture.)
Protected methodIsXmlSignatureValid(String)
Verify if the last action of a signature is valid
Protected methodIsXmlSignatureValid(String, Int32)
Verify if a certain signature is valid
Protected methodOnLoadComplete
This function is called just after the Page_Load, it is used to change the form layout (required, read-only)
(Overrides PageOnLoadComplete(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnPreLoad
All the initialization is done here before the Page_Load of the client is called.
(Overrides PageOnPreLoad(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnPreRenderComplete
(Overrides PageOnPreRenderComplete(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnUnload
(Overrides ControlOnUnload(EventArgs).)
Protected methodRender
Write the static html form and return to WFG
(Overrides PageRender(HtmlTextWriter).)
Protected methodSaveFieldsData
Saves the field values to the form data.
Protected methodSaveFileAttachment(HttpPostedFile)
Save a file attachment to eFormASPX StoragePath, in the "upload" subdirectory.
Protected methodSaveFileAttachment(HttpPostedFile, String)
Save a file attachment to eFormASPX StoragePath, in the "upload" subdirectory.
Protected methodSaveFormData(DataSet)
Saves the form data to the instance path
Protected methodSaveFormData(XmlDocument)
Saves the form data to the instance path
Protected methodSaveFormData(DataSet, Boolean)
Saves the form data to the instance path
Protected methodSubmitToWorkflow
Submits everything to WorkflowGen
Protected methodSubmitToWorkflow(Boolean)
Submits everything to WorkflowGen Determines if the form submission is in draft mode (e.g. disable required gridviews).
Protected methodSubmitToWorkflow(DataSet)
Saves the form data and submits everything to the workflow
Protected methodSubmitToWorkflow(XmlDocument)
Saves the form data and submits everything to the workflow
Protected methodSubmitToWorkflow(DataSet, Boolean)
Save the fields data in the form data, saves the form data and then submits everything to the workflow
Public methodWriteErrorMessage(String, String, Boolean)
Write an error message to the HttpResponse
Public methodWriteErrorMessage(String, String, Exception)
Write an error message to the HttpResponse
Public methodWriteErrorMessage(String, String, Exception, Boolean)
Write an error message to the HttpResponse
Protected methodXmlSignatureExists(String)
Return true if a signature exists for the Id that was passed.
Protected methodXmlSignatureExists(String, Int32)
Return true if a signature exist for the Id and Index that was passed
See Also