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CryptographyHelper Methods

The CryptographyHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateMask
Creates a mask from the given encrypted value based on a private key
Public methodStatic memberCreateMaskAes
Creates a mask from the given AES encrypted value based on a private key
Public methodStatic memberCreateSalt32Bytes
Creates a random Salt with a length of 32 bytes
Public methodStatic memberDecode
Function which decode a Base64 string
Public methodStatic memberDecrypt(String, String)
Function which decrypts a given string based on a private key
Public methodStatic memberDecrypt(String, String, Encoding)
Function which decrypts a given string based on a private key
Public methodStatic memberDecryptAes
Function which decrypts password using the AesCryptoServiceProvider algorithm
Public methodStatic memberEncode
Function which encode a given string to Base64 string
Public methodStatic memberEncrypt(String, String)
Function which encrypts a given string based on a private key
Public methodStatic memberEncrypt(String, String, Encoding)
Function which encrypts a given string based on a private key
Public methodStatic memberEncryptAes
Function which encrypts password using the AesCryptoServiceProvider algorithm
Public methodStatic memberEncryptSHA256
Function which encrypts password into a SHA256 hash
Public methodStatic memberEncryptSHA256FIPS
Function which encrypts password into a SHA256 hash FIPS compliant
See Also