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WorkflowGen.My.Data Namespace

Used to manage the context of WorkflowGen
Public classContextFileReference
Represents a File Data in the WorkflowGen context
Public classContextHelper
This class contains helper methods to build WorkflowGen contexts
Public classContextParameter
This class defines a WorkflowGen context parameter
Public classContextParameters
This class defines the WorkflowGen context. You can create a new context or load a context from a XML DataSet or JSON context string. Various methods could be used to set or get parameters, also somme static methods are useful to convert a WorkflowGen Context.
Public classContextParametersContextParameterEnumerator
Class used to iterate over all the data parameters
Public classDataAccess
Exposes a set of enumMembers which encapsulates database interactions via a provider factory
Public classDataAccessLiteralConstants
Exposes a set of static string commonly used into data fields to represent constant values
Public classDataAccessSubProcess
Public classDataAccessSubProcessAccessLevels
Access Levels
Public classDbmsNativeSql
Exposes a set of enumMembers which encapsulates DBMS specific statements management
Public classFilterCriteria
Represents a criteria to filter the results of a query on
Public classFilterCriteriaCollection
Represents a set of criteria to filter the results of a query on
Public classFormArchiveHelper
Form archive helper functions
Public classFormDataHelper
Form data helper functions
Public classJsonContext
Contains a JSON context full structure
Public classJsonFileParameter
Public classJsonParameter
Public classWorkflowFile
Represents a WorkflowFile
Public enumerationComparisonOperators
Exposes a set of comparison operators available when defining a FilterCriteria
Public enumerationContextParameterDirections
Direction of the process data parameter
Public enumerationContextParametersComparisonOperators
Exposes a set of comparison operators available when defining a FilterCriteria
Public enumerationContextParametersContextFormat
Supported context formats
Public enumerationContextParametersCriteriaTypes
Criteria Types for the filter method
Public enumerationDataAccessExtendedPropertiesIdentifier
An enumeration of extended properties identifier
Public enumerationDbms
List of supported DBMS
Public enumerationRowMoveAction
Available moving direction for rows