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ContextParameters Class

This class defines the WorkflowGen context. You can create a new context or load a context from a XML DataSet or JSON context string. Various methods could be used to set or get parameters, also somme static methods are useful to convert a WorkflowGen Context.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  WorkflowGen.My.Data
Assembly:  WorkflowGen.My (in WorkflowGen.My.dll) Version: (
public class ContextParameters : IDisposable, 

The ContextParameters type exposes the following members.

Public methodContextParameters
Initialize a new context in ADO.NET Dataset format
Public methodContextParameters(DataSet)
Initialize a new context with a XML ADO.NET DataSet context
Public methodContextParameters(String)
Initialize a new context with a XML ADO.NET DataSet or JSON context string
Public methodContextParameters(XmlDocument)
Initialize a context with a XML document in ADO.NET DataSet format
Public methodContextParameters(ContextParametersContextFormat)
Initialize a new context in ContextFormat format
Public propertyActivityInstanceId
Activity instance id
Public propertyCount
Counts the number of ParameterData contained into the collection
Public propertyItemInt32
Gets the data parameter associated with the specified index
Public propertyItemString
Gets the data parameter associated with the specified name
Public propertyProcessInstanceId
Process instance id
Public methodAdd
Adds a new data parameter to the collection
Public methodApplyFilter(Hashtable)
Filter the collection with parameters matching with the parameter criteria
Public methodApplyFilter(String, ContextParametersComparisonOperators)
Filter the collection with parameters matching with the name
Public methodApplyFilter(Type, ContextParametersComparisonOperators)
Filter the collection with parameters matching the data type
Public methodApplyFilter(ContextParameterDirections, ContextParametersComparisonOperators)
Filter the collection with parameters matching the direction
Public methodContains
Determines whether or not a data parameter identified by the given name exists into the collection
Public methodDispose
Frees resources and perform other operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collector.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the data parameters collection (non-IEnumerable version)
Public methodGetJson
Returns a JSON string representation of the context
Public methodGetXml
Returns an XML string representation of the context
Public methodGetXml(Boolean)
Returns an XML string representation of the context
Public methodInit
Reset and init the collection from the original context
Public methodRemove
Removes the data parameter identified by the given name from the collection
Public methodRemoveFilter
Remove all previous filters and restore the collection with the last updated values.
Public methodResetFilter
Reset all previous filters and restore the collection with the original context.
Public methodSave
Save the current context into a file
Public methodUpdate
Commits all the changes made to the parameters
Public methodUpdate(Int32)
Commits the changes made to the parameter specified by the index
Public methodUpdate(String)
Commits the changes made to the parameter specified by the name
See Also